
RoBoard Cables for RB-100
Item No.: Cable-RB-100
Price: USD 17.99 (Approximately)
 NTD 593.67 (Exact Amount)
Stock: In Stock

• Assortment of cables required for operation of the RoBoard RB-100 Single Board Computer
• Suggested with the purchase of the RB-100 RoBoard

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Product Information

Assortment of cables required for operation of the RoBoard RB-100 Single Board Computer
Suggested with the purchase of the RB-100 RoBoard

The RoBoard Cables for RB-100 are not included with the RB-100 Single Board Computer, though are included with the RB-100 Starter Kit.


What's Included

  1. Power connector cable (x1)
  2. COM port cable (x3)
  3. Audio cable (x2)
  4. LAN cable (x1)
  5. 2x5 pin Cable (x1)

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